
Videos all companies should be creating in 2022

Maddie Prior
August 28, 2024
4 min read
Videos all companies should be creating in 2022

One of your companies main aims should be creating video content as a marketing strategy, video is becoming the most popular way to communicate with customers and a great way to attract new customers to your business. Due to customers having a short attention span it is becoming easier to put the information you want to tell them in short video format as it will get your point across quicker and it will be easier for customers to digest the information that is being shared.

However, it is important to know what types of video you should be creating to capture the attention of your current customers as well as a new potential customer. As a business you want to be creating content that is going to help your business grow and push your marketing to a new level. 

Here are a few ideas of the types of video your company should be creating in 2022;

Social media videos 

Social media has become the new way to market any brand, all social platforms are free to use and each one caters to a different audience, this means you want to be making sure you are on the platform where your audience is. However all social platforms now have one common ground, this is video. All audiences enjoy watching video and social media networks are making it much easier for users to post and create their own video straight from the app. As a business you want to be using this to your advantage as you have all the tools their for you so it is easy to create marketing content for your company. 

Video gets 48% more views on social media (source), this shows using video on your social channels is important as more of your audience are likely to watch video content that is posted to your profile. Remembering to make sure you use captions and subheadings in your video content will keep people engaged longer as more people are watching video content without sound on, therefore adding captions will ensure people can follow along with your video even without having to click onto your video.

Explainer videos  

Every business will benefit from having an explainer video, an explainer video helps audiences understand the products and services they are trying to find more information about. This type of video content is great in the discovery stage of the buyer's journey, it can act as an educational tool which helps the customer illustrate why someone should be shopping with your brand and why your product or service is a great fit for them.

When explainer videos are done right it can really help amplify your brand without coming across too pushy to your customer, it is a great sales technique that will help your customer find out more about your business as well as the product or service they are potentially buying from you. The goal of your explainer video is to show customers how your brand can help them and outlining the probe they might be facing at the current moment which can be fixed with what you are selling to them. 


Customer testimonial videos will help tell your audience the benefits of your brand without it coming from the brand itself. These videos are a great way to show the emotions from previous clients and how they enjoyed using the product or service you sold to them. As a company you are able to put together videos of the first hand experience of using what you can offer them which will benefit your company as you are able to show off your brand through someone who has worked closely with you and trusts you. 

Online reviews are becoming much more important for audiences, video offers a different dynamic from what written reviews give your customers. Video testimonials are much more trustworthy as you are able to see and hear who is talking about your brand and the emotion they feel towards the company. This will help sell your brand more as customers trust the opinion of their peers and it is a lot more meaningful as it is coming to the mouth of someone who has worked with your brand. 

How to videos 

Explainer videos provide an overview of your company's USPs, How to videos focus on the specific products and services that you are selling and what they can do for you. These videos are extremely helpful as you are giving your customers a product guide or demonstration on how your product or services work. This is useful when giving information to people who have less time and don’t want to read and follow along with paper instruction. 

How to video can be really helpful for internal purposes as well, they can act as a guide for new team members and help form part of the learning process about the business. This can be really helpful when team members need to learn about what you are selling to your customers and need to know the key information about the product or service. It can help the team learn a lot quicker and much more efficiently if it's in short video form.

Promotional videos 

Promotional video gives you the chance to sell harder, it actively promotes your brand which helps you sell your products and services harder than other video content does. Promotional video can be adverts for upcoming events or conferences as well as content for a new product or service. They provide brief details about what it is you're selling and why your customers are buying it. This type of content is there to tell the audience why they should be shopping with you and what makes your service or product better than others. 

Promotional video will often have a CTA which will help generate leads and prompt viewers to take action from the content you have provided. Adding a call to action will make sure your potential customers remember who you are and will lead them to their next steps when they are considering buying from you. Providing this will make sure your business isn't missing any key information as your CTA should be the final push for them to make the purchase as they would have found and what they needed to know the just need that final push to buy.

Company culture videos 

Company culture video can be used to attract customers, as you are able to show off the staff that work for your company as well as building a more personal relationship with customers as they are able to find out more about your team. By doing this customers are more likely going to trust your brand more as they have met the faces behind the company. You want to give your customer an intimate look into how your business operates, culture videos can include interest with members of the team where they can talk about the ins and outs, this will let the customer into the company more. You want to show off why it is a great place to work. 

Culture videos are also great in the recruitment process. You want to show the brand off to potential employees and show them why they should apply for a job with your team. It can help intense audiences to want to work for your brand more and it gives potential employees more of an idea of where they could be working. This will help them find out if the environment your company offers is the right for them and if it is then it will help push them to apply. You should be showing off the day to day life in the office and the atmosphere the team has as this can really help sell job roles to potential employees. The aim of culture videos to show your business authenticity and why it's different to other brands.

In 2022 you can't be ignoring video marketing, it is becoming the primary way for audiences to interact with businesses and the best way for businesses to communicate better with customers. If you focus on video content that best fits your business you will be able to generate more leads and take your brand marketing to a new level as you will be offering something new for your customer to interact with. 

Get in touch to find out how we can help create your perfect marketing video. 

Article by
Maddie Prior
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