
Why you should hire a video production company

Maddie Prior
April 6, 2023
4 min read
Why you should hire a video production company

Video content is now one of the fast growing methods of marketing, and professional video can be an extremely powerful marketing tool that your company should consider using if you want to keep up with your competitors. This means your video content needs to be done correctly to capture the attention of clients and hold that attention. By hiring a video production company you are ensuring your videos are going to be clean and polished ready to grab consumers from the start as professionals know what they are doing. 

High quality video is becoming a lot more important in the marketing world, it gives a much more trustworthy and professional touch to your company and will make customers more inclined to watch it. The quality and focus of the video is what will keep your customers engaged for longer as they want to be watching content that is nice to look at. 

Own videos might work for some brands but if you are wanting high standards outsourcing videos is the way forward as you are giving it to the professionals. Here are a few reasons why you should be considering a video production company; 

Post production experience and expertise 

Post production process can take a long time, many people underestimate how much work goes into this side of the video's journey. You have to look through the footage you have captured from the filming day and take out any of the clips that aren't needed. Editors will be able to notice what clips won't work and edit together all the different scenes. They will be able to remove any mess ups that might happen, as well as any uhms and ers people say throughout interviews. 

With the footage that gets used you’ll have to then match the audio with the video. If this is out of sink or it goes wrong in some way it can risk the video looking cheaper and not as clean cut. Professionals will have experience with this and will know how to avoid anything bad from happening. Editors will know how to make the footage fit with the sound and will make sure the transitions between different clips are smooth so the video flows as best as it can and that it looks as clean as possible. 

A video production company will be able to speed up the editing process for you, they know what needs to be done and have the experience of editing. Video editors know how much time different projects will take and how much time will be needed to make an edit, this will help give you an idea of when you will be able to put your new video content out to your audience. As well as timing, editors will be able to pay attention to the smaller details that you could miss when creating the video yourself. This is crucial in professional video as you want every detail to be perfect as it is a representation of your company and you want your audience to remember the content you are putting out there for them. 

When hiring a video production company you're hiring a team who will have years of experience, there will be individuals that have different skills that go into creating video content. Different people within the team will have different areas of expertise which means your video is in the hands of the people that know the most. This is important to remember as people within the team will be doing their specific job and will have made many videos like yours in their careers. 


Everyone has access to video equipment through the use of different devices like mobile phones but not everyone has the best quality equipment. The best phone cameras will not compete with the benefits of using the top camera equipment. Recording on your phone can give unsteady shots and not the best quality, this means your video won't be as effective and customers might not be as attracted to the video as it's not as satisfying to watch. 

A production company will have a professional camera, which will be able to capture professional shots with a cleaner focus and framing. They will be using tripods to stand the cameras on which will mean every shot will be more steady and there will be no shaky filming. Production companies will also provide lighting and microphones if these are needed. This means you wouldn't have to worry about the lighting set up and if the sound on the day is ok. 

As a company you could be wasting your time making your own video if you haven't got the right equipment as it could make your footage look unprofessional and the customers might not want to watch this type of content. If you are hiring a production company they will have everything you need to make sure the footage you are capturing on the filming day looks clean and professional. 

Knowledge of lighting and sound 

As a company you will want to be making sure you are getting the perfect content, a part of getting this will mean you need the best lighting. The lighting can really help define the mood of your video and can help make the products you are selling or the people in your video look a lot better. Different projects will require different types of lighting, product shots and outdoors shoots will need artificial lighting but they will need different set ups as you want to be able to make it clear on camera what you are filming. If you have products to sell, making sure you know how to light it properly is important as you want to make it look as professional as possible as the product is the company. 

Using the best lighting set up can help the camera focus on the most important element in shot. Using a video production company will know and understand the perfect light for the different videos you are looking for. This will mean they will be able to capture the best footage that will hopefully exceed expectations, getting the right equipment to do this can be expensive as you will need the right lights therefore by using a company will make it easier for you as you will have the equipment given to you. 

Sound will add to a lot to your video, it gives the audience emotions and instructions that are often not seen on screen. You need the sound to be just as well thought out as the video itself, this part of the video should be taken just as seriously as anything else in the video. Professional companies will have everything you need to make sure the sound recorded on the day of shooting is perfect. The right equipment will help eliminate any of the background noise that is distracting and will record the voice so it is much more clear. Then when the editor is editing your video they will be able to add any music or sound effects that you want in your video, this will help make your video more unique.

It gives you time 

Production and video making can take a very long time, from the pre production to the post production. Finding locations, sets, props and actors if this is what you need will take up a lot of your time as you will have to find what fits your business. This is something that the production company can do for you as they will keep a bank of all this information so it is a lot easier for them to give back these details for you, saving you more time to focus on other parts of the project that you need to get done your end.

A lot of time goes into these processes when doing it by yourself, you will have to rent cameras, sort sound out and lighting equipment. This won't be cheap as you will be paying for these on top of locations and other elements that you want to include within your video. Video production companies are able to do all of this for you as it is part of the job to already have all the equipment and processes that go into the video. Production companies will take full control of everything for you. 

Making good quality content is time consuming, hiring the professionals to do it gives your company the opportunity to focus on other parts of the job that need to get done while someone else is doing the video content side of the project for you. This will make your life a lot easier as you will have less tasks to juggle and more time to put your concentration into different parts of the end project. 

Hiring a professional company will take the pressure off of you, this saves your time and you will be getting the results you want. Production companies understand what you are after and will have the equipment and knowledge that will meet your needs to create the perfect video you are looking for. 

Using a production company will cost more money then it would be when creating content in house however you will be receiving high quality content and professional styled video that will show off your brand. The final results for your video will take your marketing to a new level and help increase your reach and your brand awareness, you will be able to see results from what you are creating. 

If you're interested in creating new video content in 2022 chat to one of the team today to see how we can help you. 

Article by
Maddie Prior
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